As a parent, you’ll be delighted to witness the growth and transformation of your child throughout their ballet journey. Our ballet classes are your perfect opportunity to transform your passions into real achievements.

Vital Life Skills and Values

Through the discipline that ballet requires, your child will not only learn to master technique, but will also cultivate essential skills such as concentration, commitment and the ability to overcome challenges.

Guided by Alihaydee Carreño

Our classes are led by Alihaydee Carreño, former prima ballerina of the National Ballet of Cuba. The experience and passion she will share with your children guarantees a ballet education of quality and authenticity.

  • Discipline, and love for the arts will blossom
  • We give them valuable life skills that extend far beyond the dance studio
  • They will be taught by one of the former prima ballerinas of the National Ballet of Cuba: Alihaydee Carreño
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